June 21, 2021 | Europe, Non-Burckhardt, Success Story, Refinery

Overhaul of other brand compressor – Full working order reinstated

The Cressier Refinery is the only operating refinery in Switzerland and serves as a cornerstone of Varo Energy, processing a wide variety of oil products.
As its former service provider constantly delivered less-than-adequate parts and service, Varo Energy needed to turn to someone else for a set of solutions that could get the compressor fleet back to its optimal operating status. The company found that with Burckhardt Compression.

“Burckhardt’s professionalism, speed and quality services were instrumental in bringing the compressors back to full working order. Burckhardt ensures that all parts and services are done right the first time. That’s why they became our preferred supplier for capital parts engineering and services.”

Serge Mabboux, Rotating Maintenance Specialist at Varo

Customer Challenges:

  • Former service provider did not provide adequate service to keep the compressor running smoothly
  • When the cylinder liners lost their integrity, no viable solution, other than supplying new liners instead of an efficient retrofit solution was offered by the OEM
  • Newly delivered OPM cylinder liners were oval or did not have the exact dimensions nor the correct roughness
  • Piston rods did not have the right coating and therefore did not last long, consequently the packing’s lifetime was reduced
Burckhardt Compression and Varo employees working together on compressor on site
Burckhardt Compression and Varo employees working together on the compressor on site

Application Description:

Type: C-25-6 Gas: H2
Power: 521 kW/699 hp Suction pressure:
Discharge pressure:
1.2 bara/17.4 psia
7 bara/102 psia
Speed: 327 rpm Lubrication: dry running



Burckhardt Compression Solution:

  • Supply and installation of new capital parts
  • Make recommendations and develop a task list for the next scheduled overhaul
  • Propose modern solutions to replace complete oil scraper packing cases and main packing equipped with the latest Redura® technology
  • Modernization of crosshead/piston rod connections offered
  • Overhaul of valves
  • Field Service
The customer inspects internal dimensions before the cylinder liner will be installed
The customer inspects internal dimensions before the cylinder liner will be installed

Customer Benefits:

  • Burckhardt Compression’s work eliminated all bad actors on the compressor
  • Compressor operates more efficiently and boasts a longer MTBO and life cycle resulting in cost reduction
  • Fast response to maintenance and other service requests thanks to Burckhardt Compression’s efficient customer care set-up
  • Choice of Burckhardt Compression’s appropriate and high-quality solutions
Cylinder liner cooled in dry ice, prior to installation
Cylinder liner cooled in dry ice, prior to installation

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