Burckhardt Compression (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
ContactBurckhardt Compression (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Beijing Office
Rm. 1719, Building A, Shi Ao
International Center
101# shaoyaojubeili, Chaoyang District
Bejing, 100029
Fax +86 10 8485 1396
E-mail: keven.li@burckhardtcompression.com
Burckhardt Compression (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was approved as Regional Headquarter (Asia Pacific Region) by Shanghai Commission of Commerce, P.R. China on July 7th, 2020, and managing companies in Asia Pacific Region including:
- Burckhardt Compression (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- Burckhardt Compression Japan Ltd.
- Burckhardt Compression Korea Ltd.
- Burckhardt Compression Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Burckhardt Compression (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly foreign owned subsidiary and one of the largest world class manufacturing facility of Burckhardt Compression, established in Shanghai on December 2nd, 2002. The company manufactures and sells compressors and other related products, imports and exports compressor components, provides technical consulting and technical services. The company has branches in Beijing and Xian. Burckhardt Compression’s leading technology, high-quality compressor components and the full range of services helps customers to find the optimized solution for their reciprocating compressor systems.
2020年7月7日经中华人民共和国上海市商务委员会批复同意,认定布克哈德压缩机(上海)有限公司为地区总部(亚太区), 管理亚太地区以下公司:
- 布克哈德压缩机(上海)有限公司
- 布克哈德压缩机日本有限公司
- 布克哈德压缩机韩国有限公司
- 布克哈德压缩机新加坡私人有限公司
布克哈德压缩机(上海)有限公司于2002年12月2日成立于上海,是外商独资企业,也是布克哈德集团世界级的生产基地。公司主要从事生产和销售压缩机及相关产品,进出口压缩机部件及压缩机技术咨询和售后服务, 公司下属北京分公司和西安分公司。布克哈德领先的技术, 优质的压缩机部件,全流程的服务为客户压缩机系统寻求最佳解决方案。