
“We deliver leading compression solutions for a sustainable energy future with sustainability at the core of our company purpose.”

Fabrice Billard


On a strategic path to a sustainable organization

Our holistic approach to sustainability considers our beneficial and adverse impacts on the economy, society, and the environment, as well as the opportunities and risks that arise for our company in return.

Strategic approach

Our sustainability roadmap is fully integrated in our Mid-Range Plan 2027. It follows a strategic approach, is focused on eight material topics, and has a firmly anchored governance.

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Material topics

We used a materiality analysis to determine where our company’s activities have the greatest impact on society, the environment and the economy, and which topics are relevant to our stakeholders. In doing so, we have defined eight material topics that are firmly anchored in our strategy and in our sustainability roadmap.

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Sustainability governance

The very top  of our organization is committed to sustainability. Responsibilities are clearly defined at every level and closely linked to our strategy. All sustainability-related activities are supervised by the Board of Directors. The Strategy and Sustainability Committee supports the CEO in developing corporate strategy and advises the Board of Directors on all matters relating to strategy and sustainability.

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