Petrochemische Lösungen

lösungen für die petrochemische Industrie von Burckhardt Compression

Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit. Ihre Prioritäten sind auch unsere Prioritäten.

Wir kennen uns in Ihrer Branche aus. Und mindestens genauso wichtig: Wir kennen Ihre Geschäftsprozesse. Die Booster-/Primär- und Hyperkompressoren von Burckhardt Compression sind wichtige Komponenten von LDPE-Anlagen. Und unsere Laby®-GI- und Prozessgas-Kompressoren sind ebenso wichtig für die Herstellung von Polypropylen und Polyethylen sowie für verschiedene damit verbundene petrochemische Anwendungen rund um den Globus.

Wir sind uns der Tatsache voll und ganz bewusst, dass Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit in der petrochemischen Industrie von grösster Bedeutung sind – für Ihre Mitarbeitenden, für die Umwelt und für Ihren Geschäftsbetrieb. Mit massgeschneiderten Servicelösungen gewährleisten wir, dass Sie von einer höheren Betriebszeit, längeren Wartungsintervallen (MTBO) und insgesamt kürzeren Instandhaltungszeiten sowie geringeren Instandhaltungskosten profitieren. Ganz gleich, welches Kompressormodell oder welche Kompressormarke Sie benutzen. Die beste Investition ist die Investition in Ihre Mitarbeitenden. Mit unseren Schulungslösungen für Ihre Mitarbeitenden stellen wir sicher, dass Sie über das erforderliche Wissen über Kompressoren verfügen.

Wir verlassen uns zwar auf unsere hervorragende Fachkenntnis, haben aber gleichzeitig den Blick fest auf die Zukunft gerichtet. Wir setzen auf ein unternehmensweit angelegtes Nachhaltigkeitsprogramm und sind daher in der Lage, Sie bei Ihren eigenen diesbezüglichen Bemühungen zu unterstützen: So können wir uns unter anderem um die Herstellung von Biokunststoffen kümmern, Emissionen reduzieren, Leckagen oder Ölverschmutzungen vorbeugen oder eine Energieeffizienzanalyse Ihrer Herstellungsverfahren durchführen. Darüber hinaus verringern wir durch den kontinuierlichen Ausbau unserer digitalen Dienste unsere Reiseemissionen.


18. April 2024 | Success Story

Swift repair brings vessel back in only 40 days

Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. is a prominent gas shipping company operating 30 modern gas carriers. Installed on these vess...


25. März 2024 | Success Story

Increased compressor reliability results in fewer emissions and extended lifetime

During its preventive maintenance cycle, a crop nutrition company and provider of environmental and agricultural solutions id...


28. Februar 2024 | Success Story

High-quality reverse engineering to extend compressor's lifetime

Our customer, a leading energy company in Europe, runs two LDPE production lines in its site in France. We have a long-standi...


6. Dezember 2023 | Success Story

Major compressor overhaul of LDPE line to ensure full availability

A chemical company located in Scandinavia operates an LDPE plant with two lines. The 45-year-old Hyper and booster/primary co...


12. September 2023 | Success Story

Zero-hour revamp of two Waukesha and Ariel compressor packages

A discovery of two hydrocarbon reservoirs was made in Idaho in 2012 and 2018. These are the only hydrocarbon reservoirs in th...


27. Juli 2023 | Success Story

Recycling a 2nd-hand cylinder is faster and good for the environment

Hartmann Group in Germany approached Burckhardt Compression when detecting a rise in temperature on a compressor cylinder. Ha...


20. März 2023 | Success Story

Overhaul of four non-Burckhardt compressors helps steel mill becoming green

One of Europe's most significant steelmaking companies needed quick help to revive four non-Burckhardt compressors that had n...


24. November 2022 | Success Story

Optimized energy efficiency and fewer emissions after compressor revamp

Our customer, a global chemicals company, operates two vertical Process Gas Compressors in their petrochemical plant. High le...


11. Oktober 2022 | Success Story

Four dry-dock compressor services completed within 3.5 months

Within 3.5 months, four Korean-owned LNG vessels went into dry dock to complete their 5-year service in Korea and Burckhardt ...


28. September 2022 | Success Story

Quick solution thanks to UP! Remote Support brings compressor back to smooth...

BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd. is a Malaysia-based joint venture that operates an Integrated Verbund Site situated at the ...


20. Juli 2022 | Success Story

Re-engineering of other brand compressor cylinder within tight time frame

Our customer Vynova operates in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, one of Europe’s largest plants for the production of suspension PVC...


2. Juni 2022 | Success Story

Cost effective solution: Overhaul of 2nd hand Laby® setting its clock back...

Arxada, a global specialty chemicals business with leading positions in Microbial Control Solutions (MCS) and Specialty Produ...


17. Mai 2022 | Success Story

Fit-for-purpose compression solution exceeds customer expectations

Lwart Environmental Solutions is part of the Lwart Group and offers a differentiated waste management service, based on the c...


7. April 2022 | Success Story

Major turnaround of booster/primary and hyper compressors resulted in extended lifetime

Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş. - part of SOCAR - is the leading petrochemical company of Turkey. Specializing in petrochemic...


10. März 2022 | Success Story

Dry-docking of LNG vessel includes major service for essential boil-off gas compressor

Teekay LNG, a leading marine transport company, has completed a time-critical dry-dock overhaul of its vessel “Creole Spiri...


3. März 2022 | News

Prevention is better than cure

Well-planned maintenance of any equipment is essential for long-term reliability and efficiency. Following the routine servic...


17. Februar 2022 | Success Story

Dry dock compressor service completed within 18 days

After five years in service, an LNG carrier was scheduled for dry-dock in Singapore, but with just three weeks’ notice, the...


2. Februar 2022 | Success Story

Compressor optimization meets new process requirements

A leading European oil and gas company, focused on exploration and production in the Mediterranean, needed to modify the capa...


17. November 2021 | Success Story

Compressor frame and baseplate repaired in parallel to save time

Burckhardt Compression supplied spare parts for a compressor from an Italian manufacturer to a refinery in Italy. While being...


14. Oktober 2021 | Success Story

Compressor overhaul on LNG carrier in Voyage from Europe to North America

One of the world’s largest owners and operators of LNG carriers planned to overhaul one of its compressors aboard the vesse...


6. Juli 2021 | Success Story

Doubled lifetime of high-pressure components after modernization of other brand hyper compressor

Burckhardt Compression was selected to modernize MOL Petrochemicals' other brand hyper compressor at its LDPE plant in Tisza�...


21. Juni 2021 | Success Story

Overhaul of other brand compressor – Full working order reinstated

The Cressier Refinery is the only operating refinery in Switzerland and serves as a cornerstone of Varo Energy, processing a ...


8. April 2021 | Success Story

Emergency repair of a 50-year-old dry nitrogen compressor foundation in a steel...

Cogne Acciai Speciali, a leading producer of stainless steel products based in Aosta, Italy, turned to Burckhardt Compression...


13. Oktober 2020 | Success Story

On-Site Machining of a Hyper Crankcase at a LDPE Plant

The high market demand for LDPE required Transformadora de Etileno A.I.E. (TDE), a manufacturer of low-density polyethylene i...


28. Februar 2020 | Success Story

Compressor Revamp to guarantee its proper Functioning

The Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. in Haldia, India, had problems with two of its compressors. Without any major overhauls, the two 27...


11. Februar 2020 | Success Story

Repair of Connecting Rod and Modificaton of Crosshead

The Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (IOCL) in Mathura, India, repeatedly struggled with its compressor, which often failed. Complicatio...


3. Dezember 2019 | Success Story

Follow-Up Order for Major LDPE Compressor Overhaul

SABIC, a global leader in diversified chemicals, operates three LDPE lines at their plant in Geleen, The Netherlands. After t...


26. September 2019 | Success Story

Major Revamp of Laby®-GI Compressor on FSRU

Golar Management Norway is one of the world’s largest independent owners and operators of LNG midstream infrastructure. The...


11. April 2019 | Success Story

Successful Plant Turnaround Project after Sudden Change of Execution Date

Repsol Polímeros in Sines, Portugal, scheduled an overhaul for two Process Gas Compressors (primary) and two F6 Hyper Compre...


15. September 2018 | Success Story

Overhaul of LDPE Compressors - Outstanding Field Service Team - Zero Safety...

SABIC, a global leader in diversified chemicals, awarded Burckhardt Compression for the compressor overhaul of its booster/pr...


23. Juli 2018 | Success Story

Relocation & Modernization of 35-year-old Oxygen Laby® Compressor – Fit to New...

AGA Gas Sweden, a member of the Linde Group, decided to put a 35-year-old oxygen Laby® Compressor at their Stenungsund plant...


6. Juni 2018 | Success Story

Turn-key Solution for LDPE Plant – Burckhardt Compression as Single Source Supplier

Burckhardt Compression was chosen as turn-key contractor for a general revamp and modernization of three Hitachi hyper/second...


29. Mai 2018 | Success Story

Increased System Efficiency after Revamp of Other Brand Compressor

After the breakdown of an other brand process gas compressor (make-up), the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Refinery in Panipat, I...


28. November 2017 | Success Story

Down to Zero Leakage after Revamp

The Israeli government tightened its Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) regulations so that they now reflect the highest le...


21. November 2017 | Success Story

Major Modernization of Gas Lift Compressor

A production increase and a higher system availability was requested. Burckhardt Compression took on the challenge and conduc...


7. November 2017 | Success Story

High Pressure Packings – Still Running after over 26’000 Hours

Since 2012, Sipchem, Saudi International Polymer Company (IPC), has been operating a Burckhardt Compression K8 Hyper Compress...


13. März 2017 | Success Story

Emergency Rebuild of Dry Hydrogen Compressor

When a compressor for dry hydrogen experienced an emergency shutdown, Burckhardt Compression experts were quickly at the cust...


11. Oktober 2016 | Success Story

Burckhardt Poppet Valve™ in Challenging Gas Service

The valves of a non-Burckhardt compressor only lasted for 6 weeks in a challenging application. Burckhardt Compression analyz...


15. Juli 2014 | Success Story

Major Overhaul – Hyper and Process Gas Compressor

A customer decided on the services from Burckhardt Compression for the overhaul of the booster/primary and hyper/secondary co...


13. Juli 2014 | Success Story

Load Recalculation – Other Brand Hyper Compressor

The design and safety settings needed updates on this hyper compressor – a non-Burckhardt brand. But Burckhardt Compression...


8. Juli 2012 | Success Story

Upgrade of HP Cartridge for Hyper Compressor

A hyper compressor in an Ethylene plant experienced issues with the high-pressure cartridge. The customer involved Burckhardt...


16. Mai 2011 | Success Story

Compressor Revamp – Successful Increase of Mass Flow

In 2011, a South Korean LDPE plant conducted a plant capacity increase of 50%. Debottlenecking of the entire compressor syste...


24. Juli 2010 | Success Story

New Hyper Compressor Central Valves

A customer turned to Burckhardt Compression for help with his non-Burckhardt hyper compressor. The compressor valves needed a...
