Technical Consultancy
Technical Consultancy
When you need consultancy, consult the best.
Burckhardt Compression is a specialized company. Very specialized, and very experienced. We know compressors. We have been building them for decades, we have been working with all types of them, and we intimately know their place and their importance in your production process.
After 160’000 hours of operation or before a Turnaround (TAR), we absolutely recommend to make an assessment of the status quo of the compressor and its environment. This assessment service – and at the same time the basis for any proposal – will help find your optimal, individual solution. Our approach is very well structured and tailored to your needs.
We are global leaders in our field and we are exactly the right company to use as technical consultants. Because we have a deep understanding not just of your equipment and all its components, but also your business needs and goals.
Technical consultancy by Burckhardt Compression. It’s a rare case of invaluable meeting cost efficient.
Turnaround & Project Planning
A shutdown of your whole plant, even when planned well in advance, is a challenge at the best of times.
Except when you delegate responsibility to Burckhardt Compression. We help you exactly where and when needed. Or we take over as your project manager for everything revolving around your compressor, including handling local subcontractors, while acting as your only point of contact.
In other words, you just deal with us. We deal with your Hyper Compressor. It’s what we love to do.
Safety & Reliability
The two key words that always show up around the Hyper Compressor. Simply because they are hyper important. Should either aspect become compromised in any way, the consequences could be significant.
In order to prevent this, we offer to add an additional layer of security to your production process. We are proficient at conducting in-depth studies and a thorough analysis of your system, as well as carrying out continuous checks and real-time monitoring to ensure that your compressor and auxiliary systems are running smoothly.
All this goes a long way to eliminate issues in the best manner possible: by stopping them from ever happening.
Redesign & Modernization
Your Hyper Compressor is designed to run for a very long time. It is to be expected that the demands put upon it change before it is approaching the end of its destined lifespan.
However, replacing it will, in most cases, be a last resort. Especially as Burckhardt Compression offers a wide array of options that enable even older models to seamlessly catch up with modern regulations and business plans.
Your compressor made new may exceed a previous system’s limitation, run significantly more efficiently, be able to change to different gases and, of course further prolong its life expectancy.
You get a cost-efficient top-class solution. We get to put our experience and our passion to very good use. A perfect win-win scenario.