February 02, 2022 | Europe, Process Gas Compressor, Success Story, Refinery

Compressor optimization meets new process requirements

A leading European oil and gas company, focused on exploration and production in the Mediterranean, needed to modify the capacity of a compressor to meet new process specifications requiring a more than 50% reduction in gas flow. The customer contacted Burckhardt Compression to revamp and overhaul the compressor to efficiently meet the new operating parameters. A detailed inspection and engineering study were required to identify the optimal approach to modification and revamp.


  • Lowering the flow rate from 5’000 Nm3/h down to approximately 2’000 Nm3/h to meet new process requirements
  • Ensuring minimal disruption to the facility and its operations
  • Identifying the optimal approach for modifying the existing compressor
  • Working within the constraints of the original compressor design
  • Challenging gas composition


Original cylinder
Type Process Gas Compressor 2B2S 1.51 Gas H₂S + Hydrocarbon mix
Power 380 kW / 510 hp Suction pressure
Discharge pressure
3.1 bara / 45 psia
11 bara / 160 psia
Speed 490 rpm Lubrication Lubricated

Burckhardt Compression Solution:

  • Detailed inspection and engineering study
  • Delivery of new cylinders with smaller diameters, achieving the new flow rate
  • All internal cylinder parts manufactured in-house according to API standards
  • Complete overhaul of the compressor carried out at a Burckhardt Compression Service Center, incl. repair of the crank case, distance piece and crankshaft
    Watch here the time-lapse video of the overhaul
  • Mechanical bar-over test


New cylinder with smaller diamaters, achieving the required reduced flow rate.

Customer Benefits:

  • Energy savings of approx. 1’800 MWh per year by adapting the compressor to the lower flow requirements and therefore avoiding the bypass system
  • Clear definition of the necessary modifications within the engineering study
  • As good as a new compressor, all parts upgraded to high performance components
  • New cylinders implemented without requiring any modifications to the existing foundation, gas and cooling water piping nor the electrical motor
  • Single service partner: from consulting to project execution
  • No safety incidents


Complete overhaul carried-out in our Service Center.